HMDB0004946 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/25:0) | |  | C74H135N3O26 | 1482.8682 1481.933381507 | Not Available |
HMDB0004942 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/24:1(15Z)) | |  | C73H131N3O26 | 1466.8257 1465.902081379 | Not Available |
HMDB0004945 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/24:0) | |  | C73H133N3O26 | 1468.8416 1467.917731443 | Not Available |
HMDB0011912 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/23:0) | |  | C73H132N2O26 | 1453.827 1452.906832406 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011911 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/22:1(13Z)) | |  | C72H128N2O26 | 1437.7845 1436.875532278 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0004941 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/22:0) | |  | C71H129N3O26 | 1440.7885 1439.886431315 | Not Available |
HMDB0004940 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/20:0) | |  | C69H125N3O26 | 1412.7353 1411.855131187 | Not Available |
HMDB0011910 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/18:1(11Z)) | |  | C68H120N2O26 | 1381.6782 1380.812932022 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0004939 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/18:0) | |  | C67H121N3O26 | 1384.6821 1383.823831059 | Not Available |
HMDB0004938 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/16:0) | |  | C65H117N3O26 | 1356.629 1355.792530931 | Not Available |
HMDB0011909 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/14:0) | |  | C64H114N2O26 | 1327.5878 1326.76598183 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0004936 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:1/12:0) | |  | C61H109N3O26 | 1300.5227 1299.729930675 | Not Available |
HMDB0011908 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/26:1(17Z)) | |  | C76H138N2O26 | 1495.9067 1494.953782598 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011907 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/26:0) | |  | C76H140N2O26 | 1497.9226 1496.969432662 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011906 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/25:0) | |  | C75H138N2O26 | 1483.896 1482.953782598 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011905 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/24:1(15Z)) | |  | C74H134N2O26 | 1467.8536 1466.92248247 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011904 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/24:0) | |  | C74H134N2O26 | 1467.8536 1466.92248247 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011903 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/23:0) | |  | C73H134N2O26 | 1455.8429 1454.92248247 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011902 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/22:1(13Z)) | |  | C72H130N2O26 | 1439.8004 1438.891182342 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011901 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/22:0) | |  | C72H132N2O26 | 1441.8163 1440.906832406 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011900 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/20:0) | |  | C70H128N2O26 | 1413.7631 1412.875532278 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011899 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/18:1(9Z)) | |  | C68H122N2O26 | 1383.6941 1382.828582086 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011898 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/18:1(11Z)) | |  | C68H122N2O26 | 1383.6941 1382.828582086 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011897 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/18:0) | |  | C68H124N2O26 | 1385.71 1384.84423215 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]
HMDB0011896 | Ganglioside GM2 (d18:0/16:0) | |  | C66H120N2O26 | 1357.6568 1356.812932022 | - Kurz M, Brachvogel V, Matter H, Stengelin S, Thuring H, Kramer W: Insights into the bile acid transportation system: the human ileal lipid-binding protein-cholyltaurine complex and its comparison with homologous structures. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):312-28. [PubMed:12486725 ]