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Spectrum Details
Compound name:Melatonin
Spectrum type:LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-IT (LC/MSD Trap XCT, Agilent Technologies) , Positive
Splash Key:splash10-00di-0910000000-f256f78adbcbeb2464de View in MoNA
Spectrum View
Experimental Conditions
Instrument Type:LC-ESI-IT (LC/MSD Trap XCT, Agilent Technologies)
Ionization Mode:Positive
Document DescriptionDownload
MassBank Record (TXT)Download file1.8 KB
Generated list of m/z values for the spectrum (TXT-20190109-20465-I1MGQ9)Download file694 Bytes
mzML formatted file (MZML)Download file4.95 KB
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