- Metabolite
- HMDB0000215 (N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine)
- Biospecimen
- Feces
- Status
- Detected but not Quantified
- Data source
- Referenced
- Concentration
- Not Quantified
- Age
- Infant (0-1 year old)
- Sex
- Both
- Condition
- Normal
By GC-MS on lyophilized fecal samples from premature breast milk-fed infants
- Poroyko V, Morowitz M, Bell T, Ulanov A, Wang M, Donovan S, Bao N, Gu S, Hong L, Alverdy JC, Bergelson J, Liu DC: Diet creates metabolic niches in the "immature gut" that shape microbial communities. Nutr Hosp. 2011 Nov-Dec;26(6):1283-95. doi: 10.1590/S0212-16112011000600015. [PubMed:22411374 ]