- Metabolite
- HMDB0003375 ((+)-Limonene)
- Biospecimen
- Saliva
- Status
- Detected but not Quantified
- Data source
- Referenced
- Concentration
- Not Quantified
- Age
- Adult (>18 years old)
- Sex
- Not Specified
- Condition
- Normal
- de Lacy Costello B, Amann A, Al-Kateb H, Flynn C, Filipiak W, Khalid T, Osborne D, Ratcliffe NM: A review of the volatiles from the healthy human body. J Breath Res. 2014 Mar;8(1):014001. doi: 10.1088/1752-7155/8/1/014001. Epub 2014 Jan 13. [PubMed:24421258 ]