- Metabolite
- HMDB0000149 (Ethanolamine)
- Biospecimen
- Feces
- Status
- Detected but not Quantified
- Data source
- Referenced
- Concentration
- Not Quantified
- Age
- Infant (0-1 year old)
- Sex
- Not Specified
- Condition
- Normal
- Chow J, Panasevich MR, Alexander D, Vester Boler BM, Rossoni Serao MC, Faber TA, Bauer LL, Fahey GC: Fecal metabolomics of healthy breast-fed versus formula-fed infants before and during in vitro batch culture fermentation. J Proteome Res. 2014 May 2;13(5):2534-42. doi: 10.1021/pr500011w. Epub 2014 Mar 28. [PubMed:24628373 ]